Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[Trans] Kim Hyun Joong @ Trendy Magazine Issue #27

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English translation by Lichi
Date: 2011/8/14 evening Location: Taipei Far East Plaza Hotel
Taiwanese fans have been waiting for 2 years, finally Kim Hyun Joong visited Taiwan with his new album.Trendy who competed for getting the precious chance to interview exclusively should treat this long-time-no-see good friend well. In order to let Kim Hyun Joong have a good afternoon tea date, Trendy prepared many foodstuffs full of Taiwanese flavors with hearts. Seeing the snacks occupied the whole table, HJ said happily, But when he took up the Bubble Tea, he asked with subtle expression in a sudden, ” WOW, there are so many snacks.” ” Is Bubble Tea made of tea? ” He saw Trendy nodding, and took a big swallow, and said, From the previous impressions, Trendy thought Hyun Joong doesn’t quite like Bubble Tea, so we asked him out of curiosity. ” It’s good!”" I thought it was coffee! Because I don’t drink coffee, I didn’t try it. But after trying it, beyond my expectation, it’s really good.” HJ answered with helplessness, and people all laughed out loud. Gosh, indeed the 4D HyunJoong, we actually told you it’s a kind of drink combining tea and milk at the very first time!

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