Saturday, September 3, 2011

[FanAccount] AHLIA`s Encounters with KIM HYUN JOONG in Singapore and Malaysia


I know that I have written my own fan account earlier on HERE, but here is another fan account!

The original author of this fan account is Ahlia, whom often uploads wonderful photos of KHJ on her blog. I think her fan account is worth translating and sharing ^^ because there are several exchanges with HJ, such as during the moment he wrote her a P.S message which I did not mention earlier as I know she will write on her blog about it and I want her to be the one to tell the story.

Ahlia’s blog is now one of my favourite blogs to read, because she has this neat personality that I wish I have, sometimes. She arranged her blog so neatly into several categories and one of them contains details of her every single encounter with KHJ, which she remembered and recorded it down on her blog. (Currently, she has met Kim Hyun Joong 135 times)

I’ve heard some of these encounters from her when we were in the hotel in KL, but I wish to read them again in words. When I have time, I wish to finish reading all her entries some day.

Since the original language is in Korean and many of you can’t have access to read… I’ve translated it for all of you.

Fan account:

Original:알리아Ahlia at

Translation: Wonderrrgirl

*Please include full credits when reposting*

[2011.08.19] Getting a signature from Kim Hyun Joong at Singapore THEFACESHOP Meet & Greet~

When Hyun Joong is in front of me, my mind went blank … ㅠㅠ

Couldn’t say a single word and just looking down at Hyun Joong who is signing my album….

After signing the album, Hyun Joong look up with a smiling face…..

”Did you come all the way here alone?” ……


Yes~ the one word I’ve said ….ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Hyun Joong ah~~~ There isn’t my name (on the album) ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[2011.08.20] Singapore-Malaysia Airport

Business class on Malaysian Airlines from Singapore to Malaysia~~

I was sitting on the right of the aisle…

Hyun Joong is sitting a seat in front of mine on the left side~~

He was probably very tired in the morning,

on the plane ride until landing, he only slept… kekeke

Like a cute baby covering himself with a blanket~~^^

I only spoke a little to manager-nim who was sitting beside Hyun Joong… hehehe

My Singaporean friend made some bulgogi sandwiches and brought them along, passing it to them…

Did you eat it well? …hehe

It was quite a long walk from the plane to the gate…

Many overseas fans took pictures along the way in front, but it was difficult for me to do so when he is near, so I did not take a single shot …^^;;;;

Therefore, I quickly exit the gate first to be outside, preparing my camera and waiting…

But Hyun Joong left by VIP exit…ㅠㅠ

I went to the hotel first, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, but Hyun Joong also went up the hotel via another VIP path…ㅠㅠ

For 4 days we were in the same hotel but I could not get to see him… ㅠㅠ

Hyun Joong and I are very far away….ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[2011.08.20] Press Conference in Malaysia

Through the help of my Singaporean friend, I was able to enter the press conference in Malaysia~

There are many Malaysian reporters, journalists, and fans, confusing group of females…keke

I think some are indeed reporters but…

The next day I saw them again at the High-5 event and fansign…kekeke


A young-looking man I saw at the press conference…

When ‘Break Down’ song came on, he walked out with a swing in his body…

and followed Hyun Joong’s poses in the MV, which I remembered it made me laugh…ㅋㅋㅋ

Anyway…Mr Jeong who was down early at the press conference to do his round of inspection~~

He saw me and did not seem the least bit surprised that I am there…he must have thought I would come, of course… keke

But Hyun Joong opened his eyes slightly bigger in surprise….kekeke

[2011.08.21] Warner Music High-5 Event, KL

Because Hyun Joong is so pretty when he was smiling and looking at each of the fans one by one…

I was so busy with my camera…kekeke

I did not think about my turn and later on I could not receive the handshake…ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

When the time for handshake ended, the staff on the ground was not going to allow anymore fans to go up…

I was so helpless and frantic…ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Hyun Joong saw and gave the hand gesture “come up, come up”~~~~ㅠㅠ

From a ruffian-like (bad boy) image to a prince extending his helping hand to me… kekekekekekekekeke

No words can describe how touched I feel~~~

I was thinking to hold both his hands but under the stressful situation I could not…

Hyun Joong extended out his hand for a handshake, once again I forgot to remember the feel of his hand…^^;;;

Anyway, my eyes was on the Hyun Joong’s smile and how pretty it is, which was the only thing I remembered….


[2011.08.22] MALAYSIA THEFACESHOP Store Visit

Even though I hurried to the place…

Many reporters and fans are already gathered in front of the store…;;;

It was difficult to be at a good spot to see Hyun Joong…

I went to the second storey to wait….

Hyun Joong who appeared in a black suit~~^^

He really looks like a prince from one of the European countries… So handsome… ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

After the store visit, Prince Hyun Joong came into a close full-face view with me…

He was so good looking, I was shaking and couldn’t hold up my camera…kekeke

Looking at his mesmerizing eyes…kekeke

He saw me and recognized me, smiled and waved… my nice/sincere prince~~~ hehehe

2011.08.22 Malaysia THEFACESHOP Fansign P.S Message

I wasn’t paying attention at Singapore’s fansign….

I received an autograph and went down, and realized that my name wasn’t signed on the album~~ㅠㅠ

At Malaysia’s fansign, my name was included plus a short P.S message….

“Ahlia noona, right?” … the first time I hear Hyun Joong saying my name out loud~~

Hyun Joong: ” But this pen is black in color, … it won’t come out well~~”

Aigoo~~oh my~~ wuri Hyun Joongie~~~hehe

He asked manager-nim (for a pen), and manager-nim took out a golden pen from his bag,

and Hyun Joong concentrated on writing a P.S message diligently….

Thank you for always looking at me from far.

I will pray that you will always be happy.

- Hyun Joong-

(**wonderrrgirl: If you can read Korean, you will be able to tell that I rephrased it a little to make it sound ‘right’ in English but I realized a literal translation sounds okay too. If you want a more literal translation, he wrote, “Thank you for always looking at me from far. Always be happy. I will pray for you.” )

I am touched~~~ㅠㅠㅠ

Kim Hyun Joong~~ thank you always… love you lots~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[2011.11.23] Malaysia KL Airport

Hyun Joong who leaves for Bangkok on a 9am morning flight~

My friends from Singapore are also going back at around the same time….

My flight however is 11:20PM at night back to Korea…ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

My friends went into the gate…

Hyun Joong waved and greet the fans as I watched until he could be seen….

Persistently~ my eyes followed until I saw him off…

Because I wanted to follow on to Thailand too (but I could not), I was feeling sad….ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

My friend texted me later and said Hyun Joong went into the wrong gate, making everyone laughed…

Even if I could not go to Thailand, I could have gone back to Singapore and then back to Korea..

Why didn’t I do this, I regret….ㅠㅠ

I ate simply and bought a newspaper with Hyun Joong on it, and went back to the hotel

I took a photo of the article with Hyun Joong on it and uploaded it on twitter

I also searched and saw news on Hyun Joong who reached Thailand later…

Once again I wanted to go… tears…ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Anyway, with a regrettable heart….

The memories with Hyun Joong in Singapore and Malaysia, I comeback home to Korea~~^^

Anyway… when I was back in Korea…

The photo of the newspaper which I uploaded online on twitter, came out in the Korean news…hehe

what am I going to do… it’s my photo rights~~~^^;;;

==== END ====

*the following here is my own usual blogging, so if you are here just for the fan account, anything below here isn’t part of the fan account^^*

Wonderrrgirl: I hope all of you enjoyed this account. Sometimes I wish I can be like ahlia언니. Even though she has seen Kim Hyun Joong 135 times, can you feel her excitement, love, anxiety and the butterflies in her stomach whenever she sees him? This is something I often wish I can get back. It is amazing to me how despite seeing him so many times, she could still feel this way.

During the 7 days I’ve spent with her in Singapore and Malaysia, I’ve grown so fond of ahlia언니. Despite the language barrier between us (I could not speak Korean well), we could still go on endlessly about so many things. Other than her telling me many of her encounters and journey with Kim Hyun Joong, she also talked to me about life, how unexpected things can be, about how to deal with certain situations and people, and just life in general. Honestly, these are things which I may not even be able to talk about with someone who speaks the same language as me, yet somehow, it just wasn’t a problem with her.

She is like an older sister I always want to have, the kind who tells you things, teach you things and whom you can have a lot of fun together. One of my fondest memories with her is how we went swimming for two nights in KL! She has not swam for more than 10 years and because of my urging, we both bought swimsuits and had a great time in the pool. In the end she was more excited about swimming than I am, and made me swam like 10 rounds with her. The poor me who rarely bother with exercising, I am thoroughly exhausted afterwards hahaha.

There is something I haven’t said before, and it’s how right now, I am starting to feel the initial love I once felt for Kim Hyun Joong coming back again. I actually felt a little excited when I was watching some of the videos we took of Kim Hyun Joong on our trips, like how I once feel whenever he came on the screen.

I think it is because of ahlia언니, because her love for him is so contagious sometimes, and it touched my heart at times too. I think it touched all of us too in a way, and that is probably why our friend Joan could actually give up her autograph chance almost immediately when she has gotten it to her, even though Joan loves him as much as any of us do.

I guess many of us love Kim Hyun Joong for many many reasons. I always wondered what other reason do I have to continue to be here. Remember how I wrote an entry saying I am saying goodbye to Kim Hyun Joong and all of this? It was no problem saying that, because at that time I just wasn’t excited about KHJ anymore. I could remember how I got such a good number to watch him at one of the music shows, but I went back and look at it, and wonder what reason is there left for me to see him perform. There is nothing that’s keeping me there, rather, many reasons for me to want to leave.

But like some of my friends, just when we thought that it’s time for us to leave this fandom, and leave Kim Hyun Joong forever, we were brought back to the circle again by our friends who embraced us, and together, we slowly rediscover the reason why we became a fan in the first place – this happy and excited feeling when we are near our star.

I have never properly expressed my gratitude to them, for embracing me at a time when I was going to leave, and reminding me why I have a good reason to stay. And now, Hyun Joong himself gave me a reason to continue being his fan and supporting him; he brought me these group of people, friends in Seoul and ahlia언니.

To Kim Hyun Joong, there is always so much that I am grateful for: for giving me a reason to do what I always want to do – learn a third language (Korean), travel for a long period of time out of Singapore, make new friends with people I won’t normally interact with, do things that I was once uncomfortable about doing, and people I love and care for. This is not the reason why I became a fan in the first place, but it is now a reason why I will always continue to be one. Seeing him do well in his life and career, I feel genuinely happy that someone who gave me so much (even though he doesn’t know it) is also living and doing so well.

A grateful heart is also a happy heart. I think ahlia언니 helped me understand and see this too. I can now understand why grateful people seemed so happy all the time even if they don’t always get the best things in life. I am slowly becoming just as happy, and I am amazed by the power of this thing call gratitude. I always wonder how could we fully appreciate someone fully with all our hearts? When we do things for others, do we usually do it because we have to, or we are taught to do it, or that we truly feel sincere and that is why we do something? I never truly understand what is gratitude, but because of a variety of reasons related to Kim Hyun Joong, I am starting to understand why – and surprised at the extent of power it has to make a person happy.

I wish all of you a happy and grateful heart too

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