Friday, March 8, 2013

[Highlight Complete] [05032013]김현중 Kim Hyun Joong Sapporo Concert!!

repost from one of admin @Henecia_INA (

by original source @piro66hj







7… ここはオーケストラが入る場所だと聞きました。何だかオーケストラも連れて来なきゃいけない気になりますね(笑)僕だけでは満足してくれないので次はダンサーもバンドもオーケストラも連れて来たいと思います(笑)次の曲を歌ったら少しは僕に向いてくれるんじゃないでしょうか?marryme


9…次の曲は一番大切な人に指を差しますが見てますからね!!一番差してくれたところを差しますから(^^)とUに…終わって次の曲はみなさん大好きな曲だと思います♬とI'm yours♬

10…さぁ!北海道のみなさんの底力を見せる時が来ました。(今日は1列目の前に柵が)この柵が取れるかどうかみなさんの盛り上がりにかかってますか!とLet's party、Doyoulikethat、ラキガイに…







17… やっと取れて本当は北海道でこの曲をする予定ではなかったんですが、昨日の夜アレックスさんがこれをバンドですればいいんじゃないかと言ってくれて…とブレダンのバンドバージョン♡♡スタンドマイクでのブレダンかっこいいです♡♡


19…アンコール。Uから。一階の通路から登場!!Let's party、Doyoulikethat、ラキガイと会場を動き回ります!!一番後ろにも、また客席をまたいでも移動しまくり!!


21… 明日韓国に戻るのですが、客席えー!!に帰って新しいアルバムの準備をしないといけないんですよ…みなさんに新しいアルバムをお見せすることができそうです!キャーー!!に僕もいつ発売されるかわからないんですが(笑)


23… 客席はさすがに今年にツアーはないだろうって思ってるから微妙な反応(笑)それにあ!!2014年だ!と頭を押さえるヒョンジュン(笑)客席やっと納得であぁーってwwいつ北海道に来れるかわかりませんが、こんなこというとすぐ来れたりするんですよ(^^)/





28… 最後の挨拶…練習で僕たちがありがとうございました。無言でマイク。客席はお疲れさまでした!!じゃ!!と手を繋いで上げたら…ありがとうございましたが言えない(笑)もう一回wwやり直したらちゃんとみなさんも言ってくださいね(^^)そうじゃないと僕が恥ずかしいからwと。


trans from @piro66hj by @howlovelylala

① :: KHJ appeared with a unique and long coat which was made in plastic(vinyl). He also wore flimsy T-shirts inside, so we could see the points again. When singing Kiss Kiss, Alex danced too.

② :: "Good evening Hokkaido fans! We have a huge audience today. I heard Hokkaido fans are inactive because of the cold weather. I want you to prove if it's true or not!"

③ :: "I arrived Hokkaido yesterday, and had a Sapporo Ramen and Sapporo beer. I think Asahi beer is the one though (laugh) Today I'd like to drink Sapporo beer after doing my best. (laugh) At the hotel room (laugh)"

④ :: "It seems it's hard to go close to you because of the stage's structure today. eh-? There's another stage here! (there's a 50cm shorter stage for orchestra in front of the 1st row) Today, I'd like to jump and fly here." ('Smile' came up)

⑤ :: HJ jumped out to the orchestra stage during the 'Smile' performance and the audience cheered. HJ said "seems you like to see my performance on this stage. (laugh) Since my debut, I had dreamed of performance with the band and the dream came true. One more, the dream of performance with a band and dance performance at the same time, came true recently."

⑥ :: "I'm sorry to say we don't have dancers today. (audience disappointed) eh-? who do you come to see here? (laugh) Aren't you enough with me? (laugh)

⑦ :: I heard this venue is available for orchestras. I feel like I have to bring an orchestra team too (laugh) since you guys are not satisfied with me, I am thinking to bring dancers, a band, and a orchestra next time. (laugh) Will you look at me a few more if I sing the next song? (Marry me)

⑧ :: (after singing Marry me) "How was it? Do you feel looking at me a little bit more? (Yes!!) (HJ laughing) I thought I would drink a bear tonight and go to the airport in a wheelchair tomorrow for certain reason (if the audience didn't look at him). (laugh) 

⑨ :: "During the next song, I will see you pointing toward the most precious one! I will point at the section doing their best (laugh)" (after 'U') "next song will be your favorite one, I think" (singing 'I'm Yours')

⑩ :: "Yay! It's time to show Hokkaido audience's energy. Today, there's a fence in front of the first row. Whether it will be taken out or not, is all up to you and your support." singing Let's party, Do You Like That, Lucky Guy

⑪ :: after the song Lucky Guy, HJ spoke out of breath, "who said Hokkaido audience would be quiet and shy? I've never sung Luck Guy in a sweat before, as far as I remember. I am not sure if this venue has a good heating system or you heat up the venue though (laugh) You have energy even if we can't see. I want to call that your supporst." 

⑫ :: Next song will be ballad... 

⑬ :: "We have not done 'paper airplane event' recently? Today I'd like to. Everyone, if you have a paper, please fold it into an airplane. If you don't have one, please make it later by yourself and fly toward Korea (laugh) Are you ready? ah. not prepared yet. Why don't we have a talk during preparing?" (but audience couldn't listen to him to make an airplane. lol) 

⑭ :: No one listens to me. (laugh) You are just like the (cold) weather. (laugh) cold outside, warm inside (laugh) a bit cool person is better than a person who's nice everytime. (laugh) If you are struggling in the beginning, you will fail at the end (laugh) I hope you wouldn't fail today. (laugh)

⑮ :: "Let's practice for a long time .(and sang a cappella) after I sing and I will turn my mic toward the audience, everyone has to sing along. I don't think this is not a practice. Let's go! (laugh) eh?! (laugh) I'm your man~~~ (and then go to the next song 'Please')

⑯ :: after the song 'Please', as usual my ear microphone should be taken out, now even lights came on but they have not been taken out yet. (laugh) That person in the back is the one in charge. As you might know, now we have a problem. (laugh)

⑰ :: (after taken the ear-mic out) Actually I didn't plan to sing this song at Hokkaido, but last night Alex recommended to do with the band... (rock ver. of Break Down came up. It's amazing to see Break Down performance with a mic stand.)

⑱ :: 'Please nice to me' with white T-shirts, jeans and sunglasses. something's fun. (laugh) (after the song) Please spend your rest of energy. As you know, there's a fence in front of you (and going to LLT) 

⑲ :: The encore started with 'U'. KHJ appeared at the aisle on the 1st floor! KHJ went around the venue singing Let's party, Do you like that, Lucky Guy!! At the back side of the venue, he went over the seats!! 

⑳ :: (returned to the stage) How was it? (the best!!) me too... but a bit... mistakes! (scratched his head from embarrassment LOL so cute. It was truly very few mistakes. Really enjoyable) 

(21) :: "I will go back to Korea, (audience disappointed) to be preparing new album. I will show my new album to you. eh, I don't know exactly when it will be released. (laugh)"

(22) :: "2013 Japan Tour only has the last two at Hirosima. I don't know when I can come back to Hokkaido again. 

(eh~) I hope there will be 201'3' Japan Tour, but I am not sure. 

(23) :: (The audience, kind of sad. LOL) "Ah! It's 2014!" (HJ, touching up his head) (laugh) (audience began to understand, because they believed HJ would visit Japan even if he said he had no idea when he could visit again..) 

(24) :: 'Your Story' was really impressive... at the ending part, HJ asked "everyone, sing!" and turned his mic toward the audience. It was very touching (for him to see everyone singing). HJ took around fans in the venue slowly and slowly, seems thinking something. very emotional... when he sang the last part, 'I won't let you go', his eyes were moist. (T_T)

(25) :: HJ went off the stage where was quiet with full of emotion and the band members too. Alex also left stretching his neck with snapping sound. (eh~~LOL)

(26) :: HJ appeared with an ear mic. "I think you realized this" and dance ver. of Break Down was the last song!! HJ dragged a chorus girl named Ji young out. "then Ji Young is showing Break Down performance" (laugh)

(27) :: after BD, HJ said "I have never seen this kind of Break Down dance" (laugh)

(28) :: Final goodbye. We practiced how to do the final goodbye. (We practiced) When HJ would turn the mic toward the audience without saying, the audience would have to acclaim "great work!!". "Ready!" But when HJ raised hands holding each other, the audience only could say "thank you" (LOL) "When we do it again, would you please say exactly (what we practiced). Or I will be embarrassed" 

(29) :: Next attempt was successful. But he appeared to the stage again to bring the water and kept saying goodbye. He returned to the stage and flew the airplane which left on the stage and did a final goodbye. 

by @lafone0606

HJ responded to our expectation more than 300%, going around the venue twice in the air & in the moving car.

HJ responded to our expectation more than 300%, going around the venue twice in the air & in the moving car.

HJ's last message: in your life, I may be a passenger 4 someone, but I'd like to make it important the bonds with you.

For someone I may be the person who remain in their heart. Even I am a passenger 4 you,

I will live to keep this precious relationship deep in my heart, being honest and a hard worker.

HJ performed Break Down twice, band version and dancing at the last encore though he said Yoyogi was the last.

HJ went around everywhere on 1st floor, during the encore. He also sang in front of me, so beautiful !!!

HJ will work for the next album after he goes back to Korea, though he does not when he release the next SLBM.

HJ joked ; heard that due to the climate, Sapporo people are not proactive. You hv to prove. it is not true.

S a singer, he g's been dreaming to sing with band & orchestra,. Another dream is to collaborate eh band & dancers.

When he said that dancers were back to Korea, fans reaction was a disappointing one. He got hero use ant Artmatic.

HJ asked us . You guys came to see me, right? You are not satisfied with me?

As you guys are not satisfied with me alone, Iwi bring band, orchestra & dancers next time.

If I sing this song , you will like me more, then he sang Marry Me.

You guys look a bit cold. People tend to love those who are cold, but it is likely that you contine to be cold till the end ....

But you should not do so. He seem to have mentioned abt his past love story? If you are not tender sometimes, you may loose your love!

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